Flagstaff Uniform
Students P-6 may wear the official Swifts Creek P-12 School uniform with logo. Please refer to the Tambo Campus uniform information.
Alternatively students may wear:
the red polo shirt with school logo or unbranded red polo school shirt
navy blue tracksuit pants, navy blue shorts, navy blue skirt or navy blue skirt
navy blue jumper or jacket
navy blue and white check dress
broad brim navy blue hat (compulsory in Terms 1 and 4)
Shoes should be comfortable and appropriate for the varied activities in the day and have closed toes-runners are suitable.
Unbranded uniform items can be purchased economically from most major department stores and match the colour of the official uniform minus the logo. This is often a good option as younger students tend to grow out of their uniforms quickly or wear them out.
Tambo Uniform
Pants: Navy blue (not jeans)
Shorts: Navy
Shirt: Navy or white short or long sleeved polo shirt with school logo
Jumper: Navy – windcheater, jumper, rugby top or polar fleece; with school logo
Socks/tights: Optional – navy
Skirt: Optional – navy
Dress: Optional – blue school dress
Jackets: Navy polar fleece jacket with school logo, or navy blue windbreaker jacket with school logo.
Footwear: Black or brown covered footwear
Hats: All students are encouraged to wear a ‘Sun Smart’ hat whilst outside. Suitable hats with school logo are available.